Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Air I Breathe

My first favorite is a new film that came out late 2007. It is called The Air I Breathe and it is directed by Jieho Lee who also co-wrote with Bob DeRosa. At first, this does not come across as what one would call a typical chick flick. However, after seeing the whole movie, I believe that you will find it at least in tho category of a tearjerker if not as a chick flick. This movie tells the story of four individuals experiencing different emotions; happiness, pleasure, sorrow, and love and the impact of these emotions on the living of their lives. It stars an excellent cast including Forest Whitaker, Kevin Bacon, Brendan Fraser, Andy Garcia, and Sarah Michelle Gellar.

I found this movie to be very touching and emotional. I thought that Forest, Brendan, and Kevin did an outstanding job of acting. Each of their stories touched me in a unique way that left me thinking long after their story was over. This movie makes you think about these common emotions mention in a whole new light. I love the score to the stories and one song in particular Tomorrow (which I will write about in another post).

I belong to Netflix and this is where I discovered the film (it is also on sale at Amazon). Don't let the bad reviews you may come across deter you from watching this film. It really is a must see.

I will leave you with the tag line from the movie to think about


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